Summer Camp Job Listings

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e.g. Rockport, Indiana --- 60 Locations Nationwide --- The Pacific Northwest
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Listing Options details
  Economy Listing Standard Listing Premium Listing
Price $175/year $299/year $499/year
Description 100 words 150 words 200 words
Camp Logo? No Yes Yes
Activity Directories 5 10 Unlimited
Location Directories 1 state/province
1 region
2 state/province
1 region
3 state/province
2 regions
Add'l Directories not available $20 ea free
Job Postings 1 included 2 included 4 included
Link to website? Yes Yes Yes
Featured Yes - rotates Yes - rotates Yes - rotates

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(example: $1,800 or $1,800-$2,500 or $200/week or use words such as competitive pay or depending on experience, etc.)
Benefits or Descriptions (maximum 340 characters, around 50 words):

Second Job Posting: (for Standard and Premium listings)

(example: $1,800 or $1,800-$2,500 or $200/week or use words such as competitive pay or depending on experience, etc.)
Benefits or Descriptions (maximum 340 characters, around 50 words):

Third Job Posting: (for Premium listings)

(example: $1,800 or $1,800-$2,500 or $200/week or use words such as competitive pay or depending on experience, etc.)
Benefits or Descriptions (maximum 340 characters, around 50 words):

Fourth Job Posting: (for Premium listings)

(example: $1,800 or $1,800-$2,500 or $200/week or use words such as competitive pay or depending on experience, etc.)
Benefits or Descriptions (maximum 340 characters, around 50 words):

All job posting will be included on - check any other job sites that are appropriate below. There is no additional cost, but the job title and description must fit the intention of the website checked.

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