Summer Camps by Camp Type

Camps by Type

  1. Adventure - Travel
  2. Conference and Retreat Centers
  3. Day Camps
  1. Residential Boys' Camps
  2. Residential Coed Camps
  3. Residential Girls' Camps

Summer Camps

Featured Camps

Camp Pillsbury Coed residential camp

Owatonna, MN

507-214-2200 Website
adidas Tennis Camps Coed Camps with Residential & Day Camp Sessions

Locations Nationwide, United States

(800) 944-7112 Website
SK Horses Horseback Riding Program

Two locations near Estes Park, Colorado

Camp Kahdalea Residential Girls' Summer Camp

Brevard, North Carolina

(828) 884-6834 Website
Camp Johnsonburg Coed residential camp

Johnsonburg, New Jersey

(908) 852-2349 Website