Camp Betsey Cox

Residential girls' summer camp

Pittsford, Vermont

Established in 1954

Camp Betsey Cox

Camp Betsey Cox is a rustic, outdoors experience for young women growing up in our global world. Betsey Cox intertwines traditional camping with a commitment to programs which develop skills necessary for girls who hope to make a difference in the future. The Camp's strong believe in individual choice has created an unusual and unique program of daily electives. Each girl is in charge of her own choices and the whole camp community treats her right to plan her own day as an important freedom and responsibility.

Girls choose from 15 activities each day. Betsey Cox offers 2,3,5, and 8 week sessions for girls ages 9-14, and an innovative, imaginative three-year Leadership program for ages 15-17. We have a brother camp right next door, Camp Sangamon-together we offer the best of single gender and coed camping experiences.

Accredited by the American Camp Association